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Retail Gas Detection

When containing any kind of foodstuffs, a gas leak detection system becomes essential, as there are many gases used within the food industry which are used for both the production and storage of foodstuffs. These refrigerants can not only be harmful to the people working around them but also have a serious impact on the environment and are damaging towards the ozone layer.

The function of keeping food as fresh as possible for as long as possible means that the equipment used to keep them in this state, such as industrial refrigerators, walk-in freezers and chilled areas, must be running 24/7.

This can have serious implications should a leak occur, particularly during hours when there is nobody in the store to detect it. Therefore, a leak detection system is paramount as a function to identify, indicate and possibly cause the machinery to pump down all of the remaining refrigerants.

To learn more and find the right leak detection system for your business, get in touch with TQ Environmental below using our quick and easy contact form.

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Infrared Gas Detection

TQ Environmental have several options to provide a leak detection system coverage for the retail sector. The TQ4200 aspirated system comes in 8, 16, and 24-channel options. The system is available with a range of advanced ultra-stable infrared gas detection. Pre-programmed with up to 19 refrigerant gas types that can easily be changed in situations.

Looking to find the right gas detector for your business? Get in touch with a member of our team today for more information on our infrared gas detection, and find out we can help your business today.

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